Competition - Ranked among the top twenty
Designers: Leonardo Fiori, Massimo Giuliani, Roberto Guidicci, Romano Juvarra, Panos Koulermos, Letizia Lionello, Bernard Reichen, Alberto Secchi
Consultants: Edoardo Brichetti, Maurizio Grandi, Renato Manheimer, Achva Stein, John Worthington
The plan and the city
The Garibaldi-Repubblica Area has his own special nature: it's a small central area, well connected with public transport and a traditional access point to the city center.
This area can be an extension of the city center, it can house representative and hospitality facilities, it can complete the "heart" of the city.
Therefore the area doesn't need to be crossed but to be reached, with full use of public transport and a reorganization of streets and traffic.
A city develops in a long period of time, discontinuously, through the action of several entities that have different expectations and taste.
The plan must address this complex situation. The urban planning is something different from architecture, it must define aim and rules behind the constructions.
The Master Plan aim to complete the urban fabric. For this purpose several different typologies have been chosen:
- courtyard houses inserted in the urban fabric, with spaces of public interest at ground level, linked with pedestrian paths;
- "floating" courtyard houses;
- a circular building to connect the misalignment;
- a building overlooking the park to strengthen the relationship with the neighborhood;
- an highrise;
- underground spaces.
Everything is surrounded by a garden/park.