n°. 296 apartments and shops
The regeneration of the four buildings is linked to a number of radical restoration works that over the last 10 years are completely renewing the district.
This project will create 296 apartments, distributed throughout four buildings in this way:
- BUILDING 14 - 66 apartments - residential area = 3.224 m2
- BUILDING 18 - 70 apartments - residential area = 3.431 m2
- BUILDING 24 - 70 apartments - residential area = 3.879 m2
- BUILDING 28 - 90 apartments - residential area = 3.920 m2
The restoration work includes:
- renovation of external facades through the substitution of window fixtures and shutters, and the use of thermal insulation materials;
- attic extension;
- renovation of the roofs using tiles similar to the existing ones;
- installation of new chimneys according to the law;
- installation of lifts close by the stairs;
- substitution of the main plant networks;
- renewal of the basement;
- In building 14, creation of shops at ground level.
Attic extension
- raising the roof 1,30m without altering its shape. The wall added underneath it's considered as a crowning element of the building.
- creation of horizontal windows
- decoration with small losangas to create an ornamental motif fully consistent with the preexisting facade decoration
The interior spaces have been reorganized in order to realize larger apartments, upgraded according to the law and to modern housing quality standards.
The new residential typologies meet different needs without losing space and without dismissing the existing features, which are used to create an uniform layout.
The new apartments have simple layouts: straight and regular walls, no protrusions nor indentations, as to create rooms easy to furnish.
The following works are also be realized:
- substitution of all the technical systems (water, gas, electric, etc) according to the law
- creation of new bathrooms with a fully tested prefabricated water and sanitary system, with pipes placed outside the walls and protected with bilaminated panels
- creation of closet lofts over the hallways to maximize space use